SKEE 3742
Week 1: brainstorming + identification of solution + literature review + experiment planning
Output: Submission of a two-page group proposal, which include title, problem background, objectives, methodology (with flow chart or block diagram), weekly timeline, task allocation, list of equipment and expected outcomes.
Out-lab work: Each student to prepare individual report with information and project planning related to their specific task. Report should contain short introduction of project and the specific task assigned, proposed solution, methodology and theory / calculation / simulation of expected outcome.
Week 2 - submit individual report + begin lab work + testing and measurement + collect data + observe analytically
Output: Data collection or measurements completed.
Out-lab work: Students to complete experimental work and data collection.
Week 3 - analysis of data + interpret data + compare results with simulation and theoretical results + discussion
Output: Demonstration of results and lab work to supervisor. Data analysis completed.
Out-lab work: Students to complete and submit group report by Week 4. Group report will be in a IEEE paper format and generally contain the project/problem title, related works, proposed solution, methodology, results, discussion of results, conclusion and references.
Week 4 - submit Group Report and complete an online peer review.
Group report should be submitted to respective lab facilitators.
Peer review forms should be submitted online at:[ ] . Check your member list here.
Peer review form will be available in week 4
Week 1:
Group Proposal: 10% - group
Inlab activity and interview 16.7% - individual
Week 2:
Individual Report 10% - individual
Inlab activity and interview 16.7% - individual
Week 3:
Group Demonstration 10% - group
Inlab activity and interview 16.7% - individual
After Week 3 (in Week 4):
Group Report 15% - group
Peer Review 5% - individual
Individual Mark 65%
Group Mark 35%
updated 17 March 2024